Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment & Alternatives

Small cell lung cancer treatment methods will vary, depending on the stage when the cancer is diagnosed.

Small cell lung cancer is most often caused by tobacco-smoking, although being exposed to substances such as radon and / or asbestos as well as second hand smoke can also contribute.

Looking at treatment options, including complimentary medicine, is a wise decision.


Symptoms of lung cancer include: chronic cough, coughing up blood, recurring bouts of pneumonia, and other symptoms.

A lung cancer diagnosis most often occurs:

  • during a physical exam,
  • CAT scan,
  • PET scan (positron emission tomography),
  • checking mucus under a microscope,
  • thoracoscopy, or
  • biopsy.

doctors consulting over a chest x-ray

When diagnosed with lung cancer, it's going to be staged according to how advanced it is and classified as either limited lung disease or extensive disease -- where it has spread beyond the lungs.

In most cases, it has spread by the time it has been diagnosed. While early detection provides the best chance of survival, you can get help at any stage you're at.

Cancer Fighting Strategies

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy as well as some clinical trials may be suggested for fighting small cell cancer of the lung. Regardless of what the doctor suggests, it's a good idea to find out as much as you can about various coping and fighting strategies. is a helpful online resource for obtaining information on various strategies that can help you maximize small cell lung cancer treatment.

You can gather info about strategies for helping you deal with side effects of chemotherapy with suggested treatments, such as: supplements, elixirs, and energetics which can all help you fight the disease.

There have been cases where cancer was inoperable and at advanced stages and people have taken the step of working to fight harder through supplementation or experimental therapies.

No one should suggest that you don't follow doctor orders, but gathering info about additional and alternative strategies can help you fight harder and increase your chances of beating cancer.

Whether you want something to help you fight harder, something to ease the pain or treatment side effects, or are looking for something when you've been told there's nothing else to do, you've come to the right place. There may be more small cell lung cancer treatment options than you expect. Check out for further information.

Go to Lung Cancer Fighting Strategies from Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment

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